Cisco Systems, Inc.
A collection of ads and email campaigns for Cisco Systems, Inc. was designed to effectively communicate the brand's innovative technology solutions across various digital platforms. These visuals were tailored to resonate with Cisco’s diverse audience, which includes IT professionals, business leaders, and decision-makers in various industries. The focus was on showcasing Cisco’s cutting-edge products, services, and thought leadership in the networking and cybersecurity space.
Although primarily digital, the mock-ups included concepts for print collateral that could be used in tandem with the digital campaign. This included posters, flyers, and brochures that mirrored the digital ad campaigns’ design and messaging, ensuring a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

Flyer ads (portrait)

Flyer ad (landscape)

Product marketing email campaigns

Email campaigns for the 2016 Solutions Summit

Marketing e-newsletter

Designed a series of visual app mockups for the Cisco Internet of Things Forum. The app, developed exclusively for the event, provided attendees with essential event information and featured an interactive polling function, where live results were displayed on a large screen in real-time.

Roll-up banners for the 2016 Solutions Summit

Designed custom badge pins for the Cisco Rocks event, allowing attendees to upload selfies to a dedicated server and have their photos printed directly on the pins.

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